
ten things tuesday...

Ten things I want but don't need. As in, really don't need.

1) iPhone. I don't think we get the right cell service up here in the Great White North.

2) Netbook. I really, really want one. But I don't need it at all.

3) Blackberry. I'd be on it all the time.

4) Wii. Although, this might force me to get off the couch more often.

5) TiVo. I'm the last person on earth to still use a VCR.

6) A Roomba.

7) A Recliner. I've seen a couple models that I like. They're not traditional Lay-Z-Boy style.

8) A Blue Ray player. I watch most movies on my laptop.

9) A Flip. Really, what am I thinking?? What do I need that for??

10) Any TV show on DVD. Would I watch and re-watch whole seasons??

1 comment:

The Gal Herself said...

I love my roomba and use it several times a week. Of course, I have 3 cats.

You know, I too still have a VCR and I'm fine with it. I guess someday, when they quit making tapes, I'll have to get a TiVO, but for now, I'm comfortable being one of the last dinosaurs to roam the earth.