
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The Can't Sleep Meme

Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? meh... not really

When is it hard to kiss someone? when there's no vibe

You're trapped in a room with your most recent ex for three days, what do you do? have great conversation... and probably smooch

Does it matter to you if your significant other smokes? yes

Have you ever regretted letting someone go? I regret losing touch with someone, yes

Where would you go if you were butt naked and locked out of your house? to my car

Do you want to please everyone? no

Have you ever been called heartless? no

Someone calls you at 3:00 AM, who do you expect it to be? someone with bad news

Does it matter if your significant other drinks? if it's to excess, yes

Could you go the rest of your life without doing drugs? I'm on so many prescriptions... no, I couldn't go without them

Which is better, amazing eyes or an amazing smile? eyes

Do you want to get married and have children one day? if it happens it happens...

Are you easy to get along with? quite

Do you ever want to go to sleep and not wake up? just at the time of my death

Are you shorter than your Mom? yes

Describe your life currently in one word: content

Are you on medication for anything? yuppers

Who would you allow to read your thoughts for one day? uhmmmm... *shrug*

Are there things in your life that you will never be able to get over? I don't know

If you woke up naked next to the last person you kissed, what would your reaction be? well... shock and awe sums it up


JHS said...

"Shock and awe." :-) Very descriptive and many of us can relate, I'm sure.


Lisa G said...

shock and awe--I like that. Have a happy Sunday :)

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I'd honestly guess bad news, too. Happy Sunday!