
saturday 9

Be True To Your School

1. What was your favorite subject in high school? study hall. Oh, that doesn't count?? uhmmm... I don't remember having a favorite... probably English

2. Do you watch reality shows? Which ones? I watch a lot of reality shows: American Idol, Big Brother, Top Chef, Project Runway, The Housewives (all of them), The Biggest Loser, What Not To Wear, Diet Tribe... you name it, I watch it

3. What's your favorite all time reality show? American Idol

4. Do you feel "reality" shows are real or are they faked? I think there is some incredible editing to manipulate, but for the most part, I think they're real

5. What did you look like when you were a teenager? pretty much the same as I look now

6. Whose advice do you listen to? the parentals

7. How often are you sick? not too often, but when I get sick it's usually quite severe

8. Do you like or dislike change? a bit of both... I like change I create, dislike change that's forced

9. How many times in your life have you had a broken heart? one truly broken heart... another merely mangled


Diana_CT said...

I didn't take anybody advice in high school, I knew it all

Bud Fisher said...

Idol is the only reality show I have ever watched. I still enjoy it. Hasppy Saturday...

The Book Resort said...

Oh, those reality shows are everywhere.

A mangled heart takes my breath away, too. Hurt & heartache.

Here's mine:


annies home said...

used to love study hall we had so much fun in there

Mommy Cara said...

I was here visiting your blog! I love your answers, too bad my heart was broken by many people. 'poor me'. lol!