
sunday stealing

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Sunday Stealing: The ABCs of Meme

A- Advocate for: civil rights

B- Best Feature: integrity

C- Could do without: procrastination

D- Dreams and desires: love & peace

E- Essential items: laptop & coffee

F- Favorite past time: laptop

G- Good at: teaching

H- Have never tried: skydiving

I- If I had a million dollars: I would start a charitable foundation

J- Junkie for: reality t.v.

K- Kindred spirit: Oprah

L- Little known fact: Maine is the only state with a one-syllable name

M- Memorable moment: college

N- Never again will I: be young

O- Occasional indulgence: sleeping in

P- Profession: edumacator

Q- Quote: “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.” ~John Burroughs

R- Reason to smile: being alive

S- Sorry about: regaining the weight

T- Things you are worrying about right now: $$

U- Uninterested in: Fox News' ridiculousness

V- Very scared of: failure

W- Worst habits: sloth

Y- Yummiest dessert: chocolate cake

X- X marks my ideal vacation spot: Europe, I realize it's a continent, but...

Z- Zodiac sign: Scorpio


Lisa G said...

We share the same essential items! Happy Sunday :)

Bud Fisher said...

Amen to Fox News! Love the Burroughs quote. Happy Sunday...

Dog-Eared Books said...

Great answers! I especially like Q and U!

Unknown said...

I like your vacation destination. makes me wish I'd been less specific. We had a couple other matches, too!

The Gal Herself said...

You're consistent. If "college" is a moment, than "Europe" can be a spot. Have you noticed how many of us are worried about $$?