
no rest for the weary...

Holy moly, I can't unwind. My day has been action-packed from 6:52 am when I left for school until 9:20 pm when I finally got home from school. Meetings and meetings and meetings. And now I'm wound up.

Must. Sleep. Now. Please?


Lisa G said...

Nothing worse than a day full of meetings. Hope you get some sleep!

Unknown said...

For me, days like that are usually followed by days when I just feel I can't function at all.


The Gal Herself said...

I find that when I try to go to sleep, I can't go to sleep. I realize that this advice is counter to anything you'll hear or read on the subject, but I do better going to bed with a People magazine and the TV droning in the background. Then I just doze off. Otherwise I'm laying in the dark saying, "Must. Sleep. Now. Please?"