
friday fill-in

# 148

1. It was a dark and stormy night, so I lit some candles.

2. The student's hands were full, so I offered to take the books myself.

3. Rushing out, I forgot to lock my classroom door.

4. Hey!...I think I heard a howl!

5. Shhhh... I'm trying to hear the keynote speaker.

6. Trick or Treat! give me something good to eat!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to heading home, tomorrow my plans include laundry and Sunday, I want to get ready for another busy week!


Diana_CT said...

Hey! A rhyme... "Trick or Treat! give me something good to eat!"

I see someone's mind is still on the conference. :-)

Cat. said...

I'm cracking up that we matched on the "something good to eat" one--whatever happened to the middle part though:
Trick or treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat