
long ass meme about not much of anything

Boosted from Nurse Exec:

1. Can you fill this out without lying? of course

2. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? a drink of water

3. Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew? yes

4. Where was your profile picture taken? it's an apple for the teacher

5. Can you play guitar hero? I've never tried

6. Name someone that made you laugh today? lots of student antics

7. How late did you stay up last night and why? I went to bed around 7:30 to read.

8. If you could move somewhere else, would you? I think I might

9. Ever been kissed under fireworks? no, but I've seen fireworks when kissed

10.Which of your friends lives closest to you? my bestie

11. Do you believe exes can be friends? definitely

12. How do you feel about Dr Pepper? love it!!

13. When was the last time you cried really hard? I don't remember

14. Where are you right now? comfy chair in the living room

15. What bed did you sleep in last night? mine

16. What was the last thing someone bought for you? a brown ink pen

17. Who took your profile picture? a student gave it to me

18. Who was the last person you took a picture of? I don't remember

19. Was yesterday better than today? no

20. Can you live a day without TV? sure

21.Are you mad about anything? not necessarily mad but confused that there are parents who don't want their children to watch the President's student address next week

22. Are you upset about anything? no

23. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? sure

24. Are you a bad influence? not so much

25. Night out or night in? in

26. What items could you not go without during the day? computer, coffee and laughter

27. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? my daddy

28. What does the last text message in your Inbox say? no texty

29. How do you feel about your life right now? satisfied

30. Do you hate anyone? no

31. If we were to look in your Facebook Inbox, what would we find? uh... I don't recall, probably a couple of emails between some friends and I about getting together for breakfast/lunch/supper

32. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? oh yeah, unless they count chocolate as a drug

33. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? yes, some students did just today

34. What song is stuck in your head? believe it or not, I don't have one right now

35. Someone knocks on your window at 2am, who do you want it to be? no one that knows me would do that

36. Wanna have grand kids before you’re 50? no

37. Name something you have to do tomorrow? work

38. Do you think too much or too little? too much

39. Do you smile a lot? yes

40. Who was your last missed call on your Mobile phone? I don't have any

41. Is there something you always wear? clothes

42. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? reading some news online

43. Did you have an exciting last weekend? no, just the opposite

44. Have you ever crawled through a window? yes

45. Have you ever dyed your hair? yes

46. Are you wearing a necklace/Chain? no

47. Are you an emotional person? yes

48. What’s something that can always make you feel better? a hug

49. Will this weekend be a good one? oh yeah

50. What do you want right now? a massage

51. Have you ever worn the opposite sex’s clothing? shirts

52. Have you ever worked in a food place? yes, I was an ice cream scooper

53. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? work

54. Does anyone know your Facebook password? nope


Anonymous said...

You're right, it was long. Liked reading it though.

Mingle Mingle

Unknown said...

I like your answer to #9. Nice comeback!

Jennifer said...

Wow - that IS long. I usually tire of writing these after about 10 questions.

I'm being fashionably late with my mingling!

The Gal Herself said...

Really? Parents actually don't want kids hearing the Prez speak? I'm here in a blue state, the Land of Lincoln and Home of Obama, so I thought this controversy was just manufacturered by the right wing hysterics on Fox.