
leg 1

First leg of the journey is done. I think we've established that to be roomies for a week we're going to have to be real around each other. No pretending that we don't have gas or have rituals or whatever. I'm glad we got that out of the way. Makes things less uptight. Besides, it'll be a long week if we don't.

The weather was crap for most of the trip--intermittent rain and not much sun. I suppose I won't complain too much, though. The only really tricky part was going through Skowhegan and Main Street was blocked off but the detour sign was right in the middle of the lane and not very well marked. I almost missed the turn off for the detour. The fella behind me was so close on my tail he did miss the turn off. Serves him right, the ratbastid tailgater.

Now we're in the hotel, getting comfortable and ready for a good night's sleep. Courtesy of Adv*l/T*lenol PM.

I'm excited to get the rest of the trip done. Should be a straight shot on Route 2 West until we drive right by the Academy.

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