
friday fill-in


1. I grew up thinking I would die young.

2. Facebook/Plurk/Twitter was the last website I was at before coming here.

3. Why don't you hug me?

4. Blogging helps me relax.

5. Thanks for the chocolate, it's just what I needed.

6. Body odor is very off-putting.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to a gathering at Dad's, tomorrow my plans include nothing and Sunday, I want to get boxes to pack up my classroom!


Unknown said...

Do you like Plurk? I use TweetDeck to both Twitter/FB.

I'm with you on body odor. Can't stand it!

Kwizgiver said...

Plurk is... not as much fun as Twitter but I like being able to upload stuff.

DART said...

Blogging is a great way to relax...like your answer! Have a fab weekend!

Julie said...

Here's a hug for you

Janet said...

woohoo! Summer vacation is almost here!

Diana_CT said...

I only have a Facebook account.

When is you last day of class? Monday, I have a Student Gov. meeting that all of the new members have to attend. I'm co-chair of the Pride Org.