
what a finale!

I. am. in. shock.


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I think we are in shock because we live in the Northeast. I think this was clearly a homophobic choice. Nothing else could explain it. More's the pity...

Anonymous said...

I'm not. It was a totally obvious choice.

Given that Idol winners are given a recording contract, it was safer to choose Kris, who can be molded to fit the Idol "brand." Adam has a clearly established persona that isn't going to conform to "marketable" standards.

Sure, America voted, but I don't think the votes are really the deciding factor. I think they are a way to gauge who is more popular and what will sell.

The Gal Herself said...

I don't think it was homophobic. I think it was simpler and maybe sweeter than that. I get a total teen dream vibe from Kris. Did you see him with Keith Urban, swinging his guitar and singing about kissing a girl? Perfect for little girls because "kissing" is the operative word. He's completely nonsexual and all romance. My favorite Beatle has always been Paul because when I was a little kid, John was too dangerous and too threatening -- had nothing to do with gay or straight. (Of course as an adult, I'm more fag hag than teenybopper, so I was TOTALLY for Adam.)

I also think there was a backlash to Adam being annointed before the final show. The cover of EW all alone? I think that helped do him in.