
ten things tuesday...

Ten things I did today:

1) Got coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. It really is my favorite coffee.

2) Had a long and difficult conversation with the student teacher. I think I lit the fire under her.

3) Prepared my honors class for their test over the Bill of Rights. We had a great review of the ten amendments today--lots of discussion.

4) Spent an class period talking with my mentor today. We caught up on chit chat but also discussed some heavier school stuff. Both of us are slightly frustrated that we have a workshop coming up but there will be no time for us implement any necessary changes... oh, blah, blah, blah... the usual. No time, no money.

5) Checked in with the librarian about some school resources that the Civil Rights Team would like to purchase for the library. Books and movies we'd like to include in the selections.

6) Fiddly-farted two whole classes away this afternoon so that the student teacher had the classes without me there. I had nothing to do and was incredibly bored.

7) Taught an extra class today. The administration has added an extra period each day for the next eight days to make up class time that was missed due to the bomb threats.

8) Admired the sunset on my drive home. I cleared my mind and enjoyed the colors. It was beautiful.

9) Watched Oprah. Inspiring.

10) Got myself organized for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mrs. Chili said...

I liked the part about the sunset. Remembering to pay attention to these kinds of things is important, and harder than it seems...