
one more day...

On one hand I am so frustrated I could cry. The student teacher is finished tomorrow. She hasn't done a thing at all this week. A couple of my classes are having parties for her but I didn't want the whole day to be party central. I want my routine back. And I have to admit I'm a bit tired of the put-upon conservative Christian schtick. And I just can't believe that she didn't watch any of the inauguration festivities. How can an aspiring history teacher dis the most significant inauguration in our generation? Politics aside, it's history in the making... gah...

On the other hand I'm emotional, feeling hopeful and feeling the swell around me--like I want to be part of the change that is coming. I have high hopes that the partisanship will end and that politicians will do what's right for the country. It's time for people to do what's right. I hope this feeling isn't in vain. I want us to be a better country, to live up to the potential that is America.

I'm not an Obamamaniac, really, I don't think of him as the savior of our nation. If he can accomplish even some of what he set out in his campaign, he has the potential to leave a very lasting impression and legacy. I'm not starry-eyed to not see that there is going to be a long, hard road ahead of us as a nation to get our economy back on track and to work on some other reforms.


The Gal Herself said...

I'm old and being from Illinois, Land of Blago, I'm too cynical to believe Obama is clean as a houndstooth. (Rezko anyone?)

BUT I am thrilled to my toes by US. By the way the public has responded to this, to him. That is worth being starry-eyed about. And I am. C'mon. Give in to it. You know you want to ...

"Put-upon Christian conservative?" Oh puh-leez. As a Christian who takes her faith very seriously, I'm the one who is put upon because the Christian conservatives shang hai'd my religion.

Cat. said...

I'm very very freaked out because everything The Gal Herself wrote is what I was going to write (except expressed better).

This baby teacher of yours sounds like she needs to change careers...NOW!

WendyDarling said...

I am sorry that your student teacher did not work out. Sounds like she might need to rethink her choice of career.
I'm agree, a History teacher above all should have at least watched it. I didn't vote for Obama, but I did watch the inauguration, and I made the nephew watch it too!

He's 12, so of course he griped, but I told him it was a school assignment so he had no choice! ;-)

I hope you get your routine back to normal soon. ;-)

Princess LadyBug said...

I know some of what you are feeling. I spoke to my Mom yesterday and she didn't watch any of the coverage. I mean come on. At least tune in to see what the new First Lady wore to the ball. :P

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Well done! Great rant. The student teach is a freakin' moron. There is NO other word for it...