
interview me...

My blog buddy Erika at endomental had was interviewed by one of her blog buddies, I thought I'd try it too!

1. What town do you consider to be your hometown? Tell us about it. I still live in my hometown. I tried living away but couldn't hack being that far from where everybody knows my name. Actually, I like living near my dad, that was the big thing, I don't like being far away from him. It's a small city at the end of the world, population about 13,000-ish. And what I love is that everywhere I go there's someone I know. It's a college town, there's a university and technical college so education is important in the community. Being at the end of the earth means we're the Northeastern-most part of the United States--about fifteen minutes from the Canadian border. My part of the state is usually cut off the national weather map when it's flashed on national t.v.

2. What is an average day like for you? my days are pretty unremarkable, which is something I actually cherish. Traditionally, the day starts at 5:15 am and it's the morning ritual to get ready for school. Ok, I hit the snooze and lay abed until 5:30, but then I get right up and get going. I like to leave for school before 7 so I can get there and get a good parking spot. There are usually students who hang around in my homeroom before school starts, it has a kind of study-lounge vibe, and it's a great way to not only connect but to get geared up for the day. I like to leave school by 4 o'clock and am home by 5--then it's generic supper and relaxation time. Bedtime is usually 9:30.

3. If you could have any career other than the one you have now, what would it be? this is something I think about a lot. I don't have an answer. I don't know what I would do.

4. If you could go anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, with no work or personal penalties, where would you go, and who would you go with? Why? I really would love to get back to Ireland and to stay there for a month or so to really enjoy the nooks and crannies. I would love to go with my bestie, we cemented our friendship by being roomies overseas, she would be very fun to travel with.

5. Other than blogging and work, what takes up the majority of your time? Reading takes up a lot of my time. I read everything. I read everywhere.

Want to play too? Here's how:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."

2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


The Gal Herself said...

You consider doing something other than teaching? Really? You seem so dedicated! Especially after watching the student teacher with your kids.

Gulp. I think I will make myself vulnerable by saying, "Interview me." Be gentle.

Princess LadyBug said...

Hey, I knew the general answers to all your questions. I lacked a few details but still I feel observant. :D

I think you'd make a great motivational speaker or writer. I can also see you doing those workshops that people have to do on the job about sensitivity towards co-workers. I don't think you'd get enough satisfaction with that though.

Okay, I'm frightened of the outcome, but interview me. :D

Mrs. Chili said...

I'll bite!

Jacquie said...

Interview me if you'd like!
I enjoyed reading yours!