
give me five monday

The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.

# 43 Give Me Five items you purchased on Black Friday or over this past weekend for the upcoming holiday season.

1. a very cute snowman pin for my Secret Santa
2. a book for a friend
3. a book for another friend
4. a pomegranate for me!
5. a video for my dad


BeccA's Buzz said...

I tried a pomegranate for the first time a few weeks ago....it looks like red corn on the inside LOL Nice list, sounds like you'll have happy gift recipients this year :)

Anonymous said...

Well you have a good start. I love pomegranates...but wow do i make a mess. I love the juice..but can not afford it. Maybe I could buy this for me for Christmas....ha ha

Amber said...

pomegranate's are one of the very few fruits that I just don't care for. Couldn't tell ya why, but I hope you enjoyed yours :o)
Have a great week!