
give me five monday

The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.

Give Me Five recent movies you've rented.

Ya know... I can't remember the past five movies I've rented, so I'll list the five movies sitting in my pile right now:

1) Leatherheads

2) Vantage Point

3) Grace Is Gone

4) 21

5) A New Kind Of Love

1 comment:

BeccA's Buzz said...

Oooo, that's a good idea. List the ones you are going to see.

People keep listing '21' perhaps I'll try to catch it at the Red Box. :) Thanks for playing along!!