
ten things tuesday...

10 rules of friendship:

1) Never go out in public wearing sloppy sweatpants or pajamas.

2) Listen the same when your friend has good news or bad news.

3) Keep a secret secret.

4) Make friends with your friend's other important people--children, friends, partners, pets.

5) Be fully present--listen and remember.

6) Give advice and take advice. Who's got your back more than a friend?

7) Celebrate everything.

8) Commiserate anything.

9) Make time for hobbies together--shopping, movies, books.

10) Have inside jokes.


Nina said...

Wait! What is with the ban on sweatpants?

The Gal Herself said...

This is a great list! If I didn't equate visible tattoos with sweatpants, I'd have it tattooed to my forearm so I'd never forget. Very important points here.

The Gal Herself said...

Hi! Me again. I just tagged you.

Mrs. Chili said...

This is a lovely list - all important things to keep friendships strong and healthy.