
saturday 9

1. Who was the last person you spoke with? my neighbor, Felicite
2. Who was the last person you saw at work? Denise
3. Who was the last person to comment on your blog? Diana in Ct
4. Who was the last person that you wrote a post about? Jennieboo
5. Who was the last person that you emailed? Valerie
6. Who was the last person that you phoned? my sister
7. Who was the last person to give you bad advice? I don't remember
8. Who was the last person to give you good advice? Ron
9. Who was the last person that you kissed? The dog--hey, dogs are people, too, at least this dog thinks she is


Jodi said...

The dog eh? LOL. Have a great Saturday!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Hey. You now have another email from CT. Happy weekend!