
friday's feast

feast one hundred & eighty-six

Appetizer Invent a new flower; give it a name and describe it. it would open like a rose, smell like lavender, lilac and summer! I call it the Gift.

Soup Name someone whom you think has a wonderful voice. my sister, B, has a beautiful singing voice. I love listening to her.

Salad On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how clean do you keep your car? it's neat and tidy but dusty... 8

Main Course How do you feel about poetry? I have learned to love poetry--even more so as I get older.

Dessert What was the last person/place/thing you took a picture of? For the Manic Monday meme, I took a photo of what's on my fridge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great feast!! I like your appetizer!