
just another...

Manic Monday
You find that your best friend has stolen money to pay for medical treatment for a seriously ill relative. What would you do? Wow, this is really difficult. Part of me thinks I would do nothing. Another part thinks I would anonymously turn my friend in. Yet another part thinks I would do some sort of fundraiser locally to help my friend raise enough money to pay back. The real thing, though, is that I don't have friends with access to that kind of money. Most of us are teachers or out of the rat race. Lord knows not enough money passes through my hands as a teacher to make theft pay for anything.
What three things you regret not learning to do? and before the lecture begins, I know there's still plenty of time for me to learn these things... a) play the guitar; b) ski; c) play the drums


Gabriel said...

You're the second I saw today who would like to play drums. Well, three with me! That'd be awesome, wouldn't it?

Happy MM!

My post: Manic Monday #07

Unknown said...

I want to learn to ski too.

You can find my answers ::here::

Have a great week!