
just another manic monday...

If you could have any music group or musician play at a party, who would you hire? geeze... Burt Bacharach because everyone would sing along, plus, he's always laughing and looks like he'd be a good time... This was tough!!

Name three things to be happy about today. 1) it is St. Paddy's Day and that always makes me happy; 2) teaching went really well (for a Monday); 3) I was down .2 at Weight Watchers (better than up)

How do you release frustration? usually I cry... but I before I get there, I try to deep breathe


Unknown said...

Go on girl, show Weight Watchers and us that you can do it.

You can find my entry:


Have a great day!

Teena in Toronto said...

I started back on WW today ... yet again!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I played :)

MommaBoo said...

#3 sounds familiar. I never get to breathe deep, though. I usually just cry and EAT! (No wonder I weigh 165lbs.!)