
tic toc time 4 a survey

Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction? laugh hysterically

When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? not lately

What is the last thing you spent money on? groceries

Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month? lost

Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos? crunchy

Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name? Paul

Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What's her name? Ella

What are you craving right now? pizza

What was the last thing you cried about? trying to thank someone

When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it? tell the cashier to keep it

What color is your tissue box? white

Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan no

Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year? crazy drivers

Do you wear a name tag at work? no

Have you ever had a garage sale? no

What color is your iPod? I don't have an iPod

What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? I think a pomegranate martini

Are you happy right now? yes

Who came over last? Val

Do you drink beer? no

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? no

What is your favorite key on your key chain? home

What was the last movie you watched at home? Michael Clayton

What is in your pocket? no pockets

Where do you hurt? nowhere

Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? no

What's something fun you did today? laughed with my students

What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart? seasonal

When is your birthday? October

Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? no

What kind of milk do you drink none

What is something you need to go shopping for? can't think of anything


MommaBoo said...

Gonna steal this 'un too.

BTW, Michael Clayton was just an excuse to stare at Mr. Clooney for 2 hours....yum!

Cat. said...

I've FINALLY done this one. It only took me three weeks!!