
by the way sunday...

~January Blues~
By the way...

In general is January a difficult month for you or not?
January is not so difficult, the real problem is the sub-zero temperatures that accompany the "January freeze"... this year we've had an actual January thaw... complete with rain storms and 40-degree temperatures.

Do you tend to lose weight or gain weight in January?

What do you look forward to in January?
days being noticably longer

What positive thing that you're proud of have you accomplished this month?
making a conscious effort for self-care: tomorrow I have my annual mammogram appointment and I took the entire day off from school so I don't have to rush around. That's pretty new for me, and I have a gazillion sick days, so why not use them?

What's your favorite January pastime?
curling up and reading--sometimes a cuppa or a hot chocolate


Unknown said...

I've been binging on Hot Chocolate for about a month now, LOL.

My answers are HERE.

Diana_CT said...

They had an article in yesterday's paper saying that the maple sap is starting to run because of the warm temperatures and then overnight was are suppose to get 12" - 18" of snow.

Diana_CT said...

Ops... change the "was" to "are" I have to learn to poof read :-(

Kwizgiver said...

The grammar police don't visit this blog, you're safe!
