

Postsecret is a community art project where people send in their secrets on homemade postcards. Some are serious, some are humorous, but it is easy to see why and how people connect to each other by viewing the gallery.
Each week I like to post one that jumps out at me.

This jumped out at me for a thousand different reasons--my initial reaction was: you need to meet more activists. Then, I wondered where this person lives, if it's like Northern Maine there aren't many African-Americans living here. After that I was angry--why should Darfur be an African-American issue?? And then I posted this card. Exactly the reason I post postcards from Postsecret each week.

1 comment:

Zoooma said...

It's sad that someone would call the crisis in Sudan an issue of color or assume that blacks don't care enough to actively campaign.

Black & white is such a strange issue that I wish would go away. Color should only come into play when you're describing a person who just committed a crime and the police need to find that person, but otherwise why can't we all just be equal?

With issues like Darfur and poverty in Africa, again, there oughta been no black and white. We ya come right down to it, no matter what color we are, no matter what our nationality is, or what religion we choose to partake in, we're all human beings.

You're right, if someone thinks only white people are activists for Darfur, that person oughta open their eyes and their mind to let some knowledge seep in that it ain't just the honky folk who care -- it's everyone who cares... and those who don't care, well, that's a whole 'nother rant!