
thursday threesome

Onesome: Classic-- get togethers? Is that on the list for next week, say about Thursday? ...or do you 'lone wolf' the Thanksgiving season? Usually, I spend time with the family--although some years we go out for Thanksgiving dinner and other years we cook a small meal...

Twosome: Christmas-- Ready or not, here it comes! Complete with shopping and decorations and wants and needs and yeah... Are you ready for the experience? ...or does a nice South Seas cruise sound like a workable alternative? I just LOVE the holidays--it really is the most wonderful time of the year

Threesome: Elves-- and other helpers? Do you have any lined up to assist on Thanksgiving Day? ...or to decorate in the weeks to come. ...or do you even need them? I don't need anyone... it would take a lot of the fun out of it. :-)

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