

It has been a rainy, cucky day. Isn't that a great word: cucky? Dreary, cold, not quite cold enough for snow, windy, dark, damp and November.

The best part of November is the sunset. Because of the time change, it seems as though I am coming home from school just in time to catch the sunset: there's a clarity to the sky that makes the colors sharp and beautiful. Skybluepink (as my dad always called it) and gentle purple, slight orange-red of the orb itself. The whole sky glows. It is a nice contrast to the grey of the trees--freshly devoid of leaves, of the bland brown fields--newly harvested of green vegitation, and the empty clouds that are ever-present.

I did not enjoy a sunset today because of the gloomy weather. I am resisting winter.


Princess LadyBug said...

I'm trying to embrace winter. The trouble is that the weather isn't cooperating. It's still getting up into the 80's here.

Kwizgiver said...

There was a sixty degree difference in our temperatures today.


Serena said...

I have heard that folks get depressed and feel down in winter. When the trees shed their leaves and everything looks a little monotony. But do cheer up, you always have other seasons to feel excited about. :)

By the way, what are tour group of costume visitors? Visitors that wear costumes? But what type? Like students or something? I don't mean to take Creative Adventure too seriously here. Just wondering... :D


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. That is such a lovely picture of the sunset. I love winter and look forward to it each and every year :) Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photo. It's a shame the weather isn't doing as it should. Autumn here is moving right along. It goes too quickly.

Zoooma said...

What a great description of November... makes me wanna move to New England! Here it's just snow and more snow and then some more snow and then maybe some more snow after that.

And if Serena happens to come back here to read follow-ups -- yes, some people get depressed in winter, there's even a name for it -- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD.) They even sell special electric lamps in many northern regions, lights that do their best to replicate the sunlight to help cheer people up.