
i say... and you think...?

  1. Assets :: benefits
  2. Concern :: care
  3. Over the top :: w-a-y too much, annoying
  4. Supplies :: requisitions
  5. Mustache :: Sam Elliot (especially in the movie Mask)
  6. Doug :: Dougie
  7. Coach :: self-talk
  8. Bleachers :: phobia
  9. Stripes :: Bill Murray... I loved that movie
  10. Assortment :: variety

# 248


Unknown said...

Great answers. I love "Stripes" too. I'll have to review it for my media blog (http://endo-media.blogspot.com).

Anonymous said...

Same muttering on concern for me too.
I liked that movie Stripes too.

Zoooma said...

Stripes was good but I like Meatballs better... and Mask is a great one! They even made fun of it in Family Guy so ya know it's good when that happens!

See ya :)