
friday's feast

Appetizer Which snack do you like to get when you go to the movies? frozen grapes, when they don't have healthy snacks, I don't feel guilty sneaking my own snacks in

Soup What year did you start using the internet? 1996 or 1997

Salad What is your first name in Pig Latin? (Here’s how to speak it if you don’t already know!) wizgiverkay

Main Course Name something you are picky about. I am picky about food

Dessert Fill in the blanks: I worked so hard at school yesterday and I reaped the fruits of my labor by not having to work so hard today.


The Gal Herself said...

Frozen grapes are a great idea. A few years ago, when I worked on Senator Kerry's campaign, it helped to have a bowl nearby when I worked the phone. Kept my mouth moist without ... um ... filling my bladder (she said politely).

Lady Jane said...

I always love to have popcorn at the movies, but I don't think I have ever tried frozen grapes.

My feast is here.