
thursday threesome

Onesome: "Details--are everything!", or so it is said. Are a a details person? ...or a big picture person? the devil is in the details, right? I can see the big picture, but the details get me, every time.

Twosome: Details-- (in the military definition) can be a royal pain: what routine detail at your job/school/home would you cheerfully off-load to someone else? where to start... I'm going to have to start with progress reports. It makes no sense to me to have to prepare 8 report cards each year. Then the verification process makes me insane, too. And... let's see... having to phone parents to set up Parent/Teacher conferences is dreadful, too.

Threesome: Details-- and devils: what are you willing to work on nearly endlessly until you "get it right"? Hello, OCD. At least I can laugh at it, right? Biggest ones include: parking my car perfectly in my spot; vacuuming and making the lines perfect (which does take forever); cleaning reflective surfaces--they can have NO lines, streaks or anything marring the surface (again, very time consuming); when papers are handed in, they have to be facing the same direction; assignment folders have to be neatly straightened or I can't take them from the folder; I can't touch chalk with my bare hands, and if the chalk holder is resting in the chalk tray (as opposed to resting on the eraser), I can't touch it... oh, that's good for now. And I am getting better...really!!

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