A very dear friend of mine, Princess Ladybug, works for the Muscular Distrophy Association. She has encouraged us to get the word out. So, I am copying from her blog as she says it much more eloquently than I would:
Our auction literally has something for everyone. We have guitars autographed by George Strait, Keith Urban, and even the American Idol Top 10 Finalist tour members. We have signed books by Jesse Kellerman, Katherine Center, Mary Higgins Clark, Gene Wilder and Janet Evanovich. We have electronics, trips, and collectibles. So please check it out and if you feel comfortable doing so, mention it to someone else or even post it on your blog, online journal, or MySpace page. Thanks!
I think this is great! I copied it onto my blog as well.
You truly are a great friend. Thank you so very much. Love you bunches!
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