
thursday threesome

Onesome: At-- the head of the line for the iPhones, were you? No? What do you think of all the hoopla. ...and the continuing hype? Just curious... Living here at the end of the earth, we don't get the provider service, so... yeah, get an iPhone but ya can't use it here! So, nah, I don't have one, not gonna get one (heck, I don't even have a cell phone!!) but the hype sure is fun to read and hear about!

Twosome: Long-- roads to forever... Do you have a favorite road/trail/path you like to travel just for the scenery? Ah yes, that is actually the nice thing about living here at the end of the earth--every road has a gorgeous view! But, on the Sunday drive to Al's in Mars Hill, the route back home is usually through some smaller towns and I take it just to watch the fields change.

Threesome: Last-- year did you think you'd be doing what you ended up doing for the holiday yesterday? ...or did plans change a bit? I did exactly what I hoped I would do--spent time with my sisters and their kids! The morning was shopping with the 20somethings and the afternoon was at the park with the 5-year old. I don't think I've ever been happier.

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