
tens and tens and tens...

01. show on T.V- American Idol, Big Brother, Oprah, House, The Closer
02. flower - peony
03. color - browns and greens
04. sport - no thanks
05. movie - City of Angels
06. music - U2... anything that isn't ear-bleeding
07. food - pizza
08. season - fall
09. day - every
10. location - here

01. hometown - PI
02. hair color - strawberry blonde/red
03. hair length - chin-length, inverted bob
04. hair style - curly
05. eye color -hazel green
06. gender - female
07. height - 5'5 - 5'6
08. weight - toooooo much
09. current location - "computer room" aka kitchen
10. lefty/righty - righty

01. have you ever been in love? - yes
02. do you believe in love? - yes
03. do you give up on love easily?- not really
04. do you think someone likes you? - no
05. have you ever broken some one's heart? - yes, unknowingly
06. ever loved someone but never told them? - hasn't everyone?
07. are you afraid of commitment? - not especially
08. have you ever had a secret admirer?- yes
09. do you believe in love at first sight? - yes
10. do you want to get married one day? - doesn't matter

01. love or money? - both
02. white chocolate or milk chocolate? - milk or dark chocolate
03. flowers or candy? - flowers
04. one night stands or relationships? - relationships
05. television or internet? - either
06. pepsi or coke? - diet coke
07. wild night out or romantic night in? - depends on where the night out is
08. colored or black and white pictures? - both
09. phone or in person? - in person
10. aim or myspace? - neither towards myspace

01. have you ever been caught sneaking out? - no
02. have you ever been completely in LOVE? - yes
03. have you ever done something you regret? - can't think of anything
04. have you ever sky dived? - no, but I want to
05. have you ever been on a house boat? - yes
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? - back in the day
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt? - no
08. have you ever been streaking? - egads! no!
09. have you ever been skinny dipping? - back in the day
10. ever wanted to marry a celebrity? - George Clooney

01. are you missing someone right now? - yes, my sisters & their families
02. are you happy? - yea
03. are you talking to any one right now? - no
04. are you bored? - never
05. are you german? - partly
06. are you irish? - partly
07. are you french?- oui
08. are you italian? - no
09. are your parents still married? - no
10. do you have a bf/gf? - no

01. Last phone call? - uh... I don't remember
02. Last thing you read? - I am reading the Magician's Assistant
03. Last IM? - an AOL calendar reminder
04. Last item bought? - pizza
o5. last thing u ate? - pizza
06. Last time you were nervous? - always
07. Last person hugged? - Dad, yesterday
08. Last TV show watched? - Big Brother 8--VETO night!
09. Last cry? - Sunday
10. Last time you ran on the track? - never

1 comment:

MommaBoo said...

I would like to do this questionere on my blog. May I?