
friday fill-in

# 27

All questions thanks to MB!

1. On a hot summer's day chillaxing is my favorite thing!
2. When I think of summertime fun, I think of family being all together.
3. Pretty much anything chocolate (except for M&M) is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
4. My new favorite drink is made by using a half-packet of "single serving" drink mix to go so the water is just slightly flavored.
5. One of my happiest summertime memories is sitting on the porch, reading.
6. The best place to watch fireworks (or submarine races) is on tv--I refuse to go to anything local, they are that pathetic!
7. What are you doing this weekend? Tonight I'm looking forward to getting some sleep, tomorrow my plans include all the family going to see Ratatouille and Sunday, I want to start recovering!

1 comment:

Janet said...

I'm with you on #5!!!