
me, a to z

Lifted from Tense Teacher, she probably won't mind

A - Available/Single? single, not desperate

B - Best Friend? my sisters, VB, TN and MW.

C- Cake or Pie? chocolate cake.

D - Drink Of Choice? water, followed closely by iced coffee and Diet Coke with Lime.

E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? laughter.

F - Favorite Color? browns and greens.

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? I don't like fruity candy

H - Hometown? a little city at the edge of the world, and if this isn't the edge of the world, you can sure see it from here.

I - Indulgence? monthly massages (best New Year's Resolution ever made & kept)

J - January Or February? because I'm teaching, I'll say February but ONLY because it's got a week of school vacation.

K - Kids & Their Names? none

L - Life Is Incomplete Without? laughter, hugs, puppies, George Clooney, reading and my family of friends

M - Marriage date? not right now, thanks (see answer to A)

N- Number Of Siblings? three older sisters

O - Oranges Or Apples? Granny Smith or Honeycrisp apples--I am not fond of citrus fruit, except for blood oranges

P - Phobias/Fears? there isn't enough space on the internet for me to list my fears and phobias. Seriously, it would use up the rest of the internet for me to list and explain. Although, it might be funny...

Q - Favorite Quote? I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. ~John Burroughs

R - Reason to Smile? I am lucky to be alive, to have wonderful friends and family who truly love me, a job that brings some satisfaction, a safe place to live, and a great wardrobe…

S - Season? autumn or the "holiday season" (it is the most wonderful time of the year, after all).

T - Tag 3 or 4 people? No tagging - as usual, I just say steal this meme if you wanna. (I'm gonna borrow this answer from Tense Teacher)

U - Unknown Fact About Me - I need to have one foot outside the covers or I can't sleep.

V - Vegetable you don’t like? brussel sprouts, okra and beets.

W - Worst Habit? sometimes I am a bit of a devil's advocate and push people's buttons.

X - X-rays You’ve Had? uhmmm many... most recently was in March when I fell on my face.

Y - Your Favorite Food? pizza

Z - Zodiac Sign? Scorpio

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