
ten hail marys and call me in the morning

Confess your sins without leaving your desk. Select your sin, describe the degree, proceed to the confessional, get your penance, and be absolved. This site was listed in The Daily Nooz as well as my Wacky Websites Page-a-day calendar, it's a sign. Must be posted.

Get your Virtual Absolution here, but first: Disclaimer
This is a free service provided for the Internet community. It has not been endorsed by The Church. If you have any doubts about using this service you should consult your priest.
The Legal Bit
We, absolution-online, disclaim everything we may legally disclaim under the laws of the USA, UK, EEC and all other nations. We make no claims as to the effectiveness of an online confession, rosary or anything else on this site.
There's a handy e-Rosary on the site, too.
I have to confess, I spent some time saying the Rosary, it's been a very long time. There is something comforting about that ritual.

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