
all about love

well... I'm learning to
So, the online group I belong to suggested that we each list five things we love, this is after we listed five things we love about our selves. It's easy for me to identify traits I love in myself but it's difficult for me to stop being so hard on myself.... so, without further ado, here is my list

5 Things I Love:

1. My family & friends--I am learning to be vulnerable--to ask for and accept help when I need it. I have been more honest and open with all of my family and friends since my health crisis than I have ever been before. I make sure that everyone knows how I feel about them on a much more regular basis.

2. I love guilty pleasures--like napping, iced coffee in the middle of winter, turning the phone off so the machine picks up, pajama days, eating foods at the wrong meals--meaning pizza or chinese food for breakfast and pancakes for supper, driving along and singing at the top of my lungs.

3. I love art in all its forms--I am not really artistic but I truly appreciate art. Mostly it's performance anxiety why I don't produce art on my own. But, I'm cool with that. I enjoy being the audience.

4. I love laughing--it sounds good, it feels good and it is contagious!

5. I love dogs--loyal, cuddly, fun, sensitive. I still haven't quite recovered from the PostSecret postcard that someone sent in about missing their dog... that is so me.

5 Things I Love About Me:

1. I am strong--both mentally and physically.

2. I am a good decision maker--I listen to my gut and don't regret it.

3. I am a very good listener--people have always told me that during conversations they can feel me focusing on them and how good that feels.

4. I have insatiable curiosity.

5. I am creative.

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