this week, we're talking turkey. **This comes from the Saturday8 and I edited out the alternate questions for those who don't celebrate Thanksgiving.
1. so, how was thanksgiving for you this year? relaxing? fraught with tension? give us the scoop. I would say this was one of the better Thanksgivings we've had. It was relaxing, delicious, there was limited tension, even though there were a few awkward moments and all in all it was relaxing. My only huge issue was that I was physically unable to do much to help and I miss the traditions that go along with helping.
2. did you give any of your money to Black Friday yesterday, either in-person or online? I sure did!!! I love to shop when there are frenzied crowds around and the deals can't be beat. I start shopping so early that I am mostly done by the time BF rolls around, so I don't feel the frenzy and am not pressured to buy buy buy. I did a little bit of online stuff... the big news for me is that I bought myself a digital camera!
3. with christmas and hanukkah being a few weeks away, do you have any holiday shopping done this year yet? I have most of it done. I need to hustle to get the Italy packages ready to go soon, though.
4. are you taking any trips this holiday season? where to, or why not? Well, because I am still travel-restricted, I guess I'm going to hang around here. I would have liked to take a trip to see either of my sisters who "are away" but I think I might be needed closer to home. And that's good, I don't need to get overtired during the holidays.
5. i'm going to iceland in a few weeks where the weather is actually very temperate (30s). every time i tell someone i'm going there, i hear "iceland is green, and greenland is ice." seriously, it's getting aggravating and i feel like i'm just going to punch someone if i hear it again. what is someone (or people in general) doing/saying lately that is wearing on your last nerve? Sometimes it just drives me crazy when people talk about the weather... especially when it's well below-zero, which happens often because we live on the outskirts of the world. NO ONE likes temperatures that are below zero, so stop asking if it's cold enough!
6. today is the florida-florida state NCAA football game. The Husband is a florida alum, and i began my undergrad career at florida state (my undergrad and graduate alma maters have "questionable" - read: embarrassing - football teams). is there a rivalry that you are particularly interested in, whether it be NFL, NBA, NHL, british footie, equestrian showjumping, tanya harding vs. nancy kerrigan ... you get me. I guess being from Red Sox Nation's outer reaches gives us the natural tendency to "hate" the Yankees. I'd say the same holds true for the Patriots and Bruins, although hockey loyalty isn't as feverish as other sports.
7. my eldest child just poured 2 cups of water INTO my coffee maker, effectively giving me coloured water to drink. how important is morning coffee to you, if at all? I don't make coffee at home anymore (I'm just too lazy) so when I get coffee "out" I relish it. During the school week it seems to give me just the boost I need to be wide awake for my classes of sleepy students first thing in the morning. It could be the ritual that goes with my coffee drinking that I need more than the caffeine. But I really like coffee, love the smell, the ritual and my day is better when it starts with coffee.
8. did you take a "turkey nap" on thursday? I could barely stay awake. And today, even, I've stayed in my pajamas and have napped a lot. It's odd to test my stamina like this... and I think I'm holding up well, although today my emotions are all over the place due to being tired. I've stayed up much later almost every evening this week than I have in months!
see you next week!
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