
You know you're shallow when...

All week long you have been looking forward to Casual Friday. Wish I knew how to be less shallow. It's become a little ritual, though, that as I leave school or say goodbye to everyone who's leaving before me I remind them that not only is tomorrow Friday but it's CASUAL Friday.

For some reason, it puts me in an extra good mood. :-)

Knowing it's a three-day weekend puts me in an extra-extra good mood.

This is as good as it gets, lately.



Princess LadyBug said...

That's not shallow. I look forward to it too. It's nice to wear capris to work. :D

Kwizgiver said...

Soooo, being in an EXTRA good mood because of "good butt jeans" isn't shallow??

Hot diggety!

Princess LadyBug said...

Okay, I wouldn't know about that. I don't have a "good butt" anything. :P