First day back after a long weekend, with nice weather. Who wanted to be there?
Today was a confrontation day. Reminding myself all the while that confrontation doesn't have to be a negative thing, I approached a colleague that has been driving me crazy today. Using all my "I" messages I told him I haven't been very fair to him because I've been holding a grudge and acting differently towards him when he doesn't have any clue why. How passive-aggressive of me. But today I recognized it and apologized. And confronted him, letting him know he has (on numerous occasions) hurt my feelings and been a bit condescending to me. He didn't hear too much of what I had to say, even though it was a confrontation, not an attack. We both were very clear about my intention and purpose. It was not to blindside him or humiliate him or anything. I did not drag out the laundry list of all his transgressions. I explained that because of my hurt feelings, I allowed a molehill to become a mountain. We'll see what transpires next. But we're winding down to the end of the school year, I hope it goes smoothly and gently. The faculty meeting revealed our new schedules for next year--mine stays exactly the same, and we got the finals schedule and so forth.
What if this is as good as it gets?
I'm so proud of you. You handled that very well. :)
Thank you, it was extremely difficult!
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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