
booking through thursday

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What magazines do you subscribe to? Personal ones? Professional ones?

Or do you only/mostly pick up your periodicals at the newsstand?

How do you feel about digital editions versus print?

Do you save the old copies after you read them? Or promptly recycle them?

I subscribe to O, The Oprah Magazine, Redbook, and Dr. Oz The Good Life and occasionally I'll pick up People at the newsstand. Sometimes my parents will pass along Entertainment Weekly or Echoes (a local publication). I prefer print copies but two of my three subscriptions are digital. And I'll add that the digital Oprah is really cool because it includes recordings and such. Usually I save magazines for students to use for collages they have to make. Otherwise, I recycle them.

I have always been a huge magazine fan!

1 comment:

Terri D said...

I used to LOVE magazines. Now, not so much. I don't have time for them anymore. They come in the mail, I set them on the table next to my chair and two weeks later they go in the recycle...most of the time not even thumbed through. Sigh.