
friday 5

  1. What’s something you’re keeping in a shoebox?
  2. I've got some shoes in a shoe box
  3. What’s something you’re storing in a plastic container that some food item was purchased in?
  4. I have some bandaids in my desk drawer in just such a container
  5. What’s a non-food item you’re storing in a zippered plastic bag?
  6. the charger cord for an iPod/iPhone
  7. What originally came in some of the now-empty boxes you’re hanging onto?
  8. mostly clothes--this is a tough question for me because I hoard empty boxes...
  9. What’s something you own that came in really cool packaging?
  10. I ordered a purse shell that came in a cool wrap to keep it clean

1 comment:

Paula said...

I love that you have shoes in a shoe box! I tend to hoard boxes as well. Especially good boxes