
relying on memory...

I've learned a valuable lesson in the past three days--my memory isn't as good as it used to be. Albeit, I was going on information deposited into the memory bank months ago, but still... *sigh* being a 40-something isn't always fun.

I thought I remembered correctly that I have my annual mammogram tomorrow. Thought it was in the afternoon. Remembered asking for some time off at school, getting a substitute to cover. Thought I asked for the entire day. Made another doctor appointment--because, hey, if I am taking the whole day I may as well get as much crammed into it as possible. Confirmed sub with assistant principal and had told him the wrong half of the day, and had only requested a half-day. That got fixed fast! Then I consulted my calendar to make sure I am dressed appropriately for the appointment (easy on-easy off and no deodorant) and realized I had the two appointments flip-flopped in my mind. I would have gone to the wrong appointment. Good thing I checked my calendar.

I am way to young to have memory issues. Way. Too. Young. This doesn't bode well.


Unknown said...

eh, not to worry. That's the kind of thing that happens to all of us.

Nina said...

It probably has nothing to do with age and everything to do with stress. I forget things when I am super stressed - things like my social security number and my date of birth and my PIN number. Your memory is probably just fine - it's the beginning of a semester and it's a stressful time, I say.