
Mission accomplished!

I can say, "Mission accomplished," and mean it. Today I worked with J.B. to finish the Instruction Committee Report for reaccreditation. Not only finalized and printed off the report but the Executive Summary and the list of Strengths & Needs. Originally JB and I thought we would be finished in late October but because we went in today (at $17/hr) we finalized everything for committee review. The whole committee had so much input on the entire report, I can't imagine that there might be something beyond details or grammar. After photocopying and distributing to the committee members, I worked on and completed the School & Community Report which was approved by the faculty in ... December of last year and needed the details finished.

It's done. Now it's time for the rest of the committee members to do their magic and organized all the evidence we have supporting the report. It's done. Not hanging over me anymore. PHEW! Next step is approval by the Steering Committee and after that, the faculty as a whole. Scramble, scramble, scramble.


1 comment:

Princess LadyBug said...

Woo Hoo!!!

Way to go!!!