
friday 5

  1. What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of a power tool?
  2. I have never used a power tool
  3. What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of a postage stamp?
  4. mailing my rent
  5. What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of a threatening word or gesture?
  6. teaching about Manifest Destiny and the Lincoln's "Spot Resolution"
  7. What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of some transparent tape?
  8. prepping a handout for photocopying, I did a literal cut and paste (although I used tape instead of paste)
  9. What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of Wikipedia?
  10. it was a GTS (Google That Shit) moment when I was looking up "Imposter Syndrome" to make sure I had the correct name of the syndrome


Paula said...

Ha! Ha! I love it. GTS! I will have to use this in future

The Gal Herself said...

And what exactly was that threatening word or gesture?

I have used a drill. Seeing your answer made me feel very accomplished. :)