
finished reading...

I don't even know where to start with how much I loved this book. It's a somewhat Gothic and completely mesmerizing story. The story of Ren is mysterious--from how he lost his hand to how he came to be at the orphanage and his future rests in the hands of a con-artist who claims him from St. Anthony's Orphanage. Even though there are some brutal deaths, overall the story is uplifting. I smiled through the whole book, I was captivated.

I really enjoyed this and can't wait for my reading group to discuss it. So much to talk about!


Mrs. Chili said...

Oh, my GOD! Could you just HEAR the moustrap factory owner's accent?! “I’m ganna make ya remembah.” LOVED it!

Kwizgiver said...

I felt as though I had traveled down those roads and walked through those villages.

Unknown said...

Added to my TBR list... sounds very Oliver Twist.