
fall down, go boom!

I took a header today. Yup. Fell flat on my face. Thankfully, there was a nurse and a nursing student where I was and they tended to me. I was a bit stunned but didn't lose consciousness or anything... my ego is most wounded. First thought was--did I ruin my favorite jeans? Second thought was--what happened to my glasses? (they are quite askew) And third thought was--what will the visiting committee say?

Timing couldn't have been worse, that's for sure. I hope I can fix my glasses enough to wear them tomorrow. I can't imagine going a whole day without. I've been gently icing my face. The three stitches are permabond, so they won't scar. I laughed out loud at that... but the attending doc was very concerned that I would scar. I think that's the least of my problems. No chipped or cracked teeth, no bone-pain, it's all superficial/flesh wound pain and I didn't bleed in my mouth. Just my lip and cheek... and my knee where I skinned it. This might just force me to get new glasses.

All told, no permanent damage and thankfully I am not on the Coumadin--I can just imagine how much I would have bled then!!!! Facial lacerations are bloody as it is...

My puffy face and I are going to sleep...

1 comment:

WendyDarling said...

I hope you feel better soon, Kwizgiver. :-)